Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My symptoms of Pompholyx

Postules/blisters and clear vesicles are the main symptom. They would start growing en masse at varying intervals. Quickest can be a single week or over 2 months.

Blisters/Postules would tend to grow on the sides of my hands and feet. Less on the soles of my feet but more prone on the palms of my hands. It has never grown any where else on my body.

I wouldn't describe them as being terribly itchy as others have noted. They do grow large enough that I would feel some pain. Any sort of contact would result in mild pain.

During severe flare ups I also notice my hands would turn slightly redder and very warm. Almost as if you're on fire.

When the time comes most of the blisters will start to dry up and the skin would peel. After the new skin has grown the symptoms would repeat.

I also noticed flare ups would occur if I sweated a lot. Once I was wearing thick gloves during sports. It was hot and sweaty and the next day a flare up occurred.

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